Our Hooch Shootin’ IPA is in the New England style IPA and is marked by reduced bittering levels on a par with or even lower than pale ales. Ludicrously hopped in the whirlpool and then further dry hopped to produce what is known as “juiciness.”
Pleasant hoppy, fruity, tropical fruits, citrus and pine aroma. Immensely drinkable unfiltered, hazy, and proud of it!
Originating in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and meandering down Georgia, the 430-mile long Chattahoochee River gets its name from native Muskogee words, “Chato” – rocks & “Huchi” – marked or painted, describing the may colorful granite outcroppings along the river.
On those hot, hazy Georgia summers, the locals engage in a popular activity of floating down the Chattahoochee in small rafts and innertubes, locally dubbed as, “Shootin’ the Hooch.”